E-File (March 2018)

Tax Tips

Reasons To E-File

By Michael Aston, E.A.
Alhambra Tax Center


The IRS has estimated around 90 percent of taxpayers will file electronically during the year 2018. With refunds being directly deposited into their personal bank accounts.

The top reasons why taxpayers should file electronically:

·       It is accurate and easy.  When e-filing, data is transferred accurately to the IRS and State revenue agencies. When a manually prepared tax return is mailed, there is a greater chance of errors during the scanning process or human error if manually inputted.

·       The transmission is secure.  E-filing meets strict security guidelines with encryption technology. The IRS continues to work with States and tax industry leaders to protect tax returns from identity theft and fraud. Each year there are stronger safeguards to make tax filing easier and secure.

·       Most taxpayers get their refunds faster.  The fastest way for a taxpayer to get their refund is to electronically file and direct deposit. Most taxpayer will receive their refunds within 21 days.

·       Tax payments.  Taxpayers can also submit balance due tax-payments and estimated tax payments via electronic debit.


The most recent scam warning from the IRS is how fraudulent tax returns are filed with the refunds being issued into a third-party bank account. The scammers then contact the innocent person and claim the IRS has mistakenly deposited the funds into their personal bank account. The scammers will then request the innocent person to return the money. *** If you see any deposits in your bank account that do not belong to you, immediately notify your bank and ask for instructions.

The classic tax scam is still ongoing in full-force. This is the scam that I have brought up many time … when a person calls and says they are from the IRS demanding payment in the form of gift cards. The IRS will never call and demand money. And the IRS does not accept gift cards as a form of payment.

If you have any questions about e-filing or questions about tax scams, contact your tax preparer or go to IRS.gov. The above highlighted points came directly from the IRS website, however the words have been changed to make it a simpler read.